
Potclays White Special Stoneware

White Special Stoneware 900 Min

Pot and photo courtesy of Geoff Jones.
Pics from autumn 2019 firing – cone 12 reached. Also mixed with Geoff’s own dug earthenware (qv).
Manufacturer: Potclays Ref 157-1142
A white-burning, refractory, smooth-textured body which throws and handles well. A very good domestic ware body of excellent colour and perfomance and almost a smooth, sliphoused version of 157-1145.
Recommended firing range 1200-1300C
Applications: General purpose / throwing / hand building / general domestic
Texture: 1 - 2 (1 smoothest, 10 most coarse)



10% fireclay, 85% other clay.
5% #90 grog.
Shrinkage 12%@1200
Thermal expansion 0.32%
Vitrification 1250 - 1280C
Firing 1220 - 1300