Potclays Staffordshire Stoneware
Left pic from autumn 2019 firing – cone 12 reached. Inside of piece has a clear wood ash glaze – it looks as though some iron has migrated from the body into the glaze to cause the blue.
The piece was fired on its side, and the mouth flattened slightly from the original round shape.
Right pic from March 2020 firing, cone 10 down at front, soft at back. Slow cooled in reduction.
Manufacturer: Potclays
Staffordshire Stoneware is a recent modification of our highly successful Pyropot recipe.
Staffordshire Stoneware is a blend of ball clays, fireclays and red marls. The high ball clay content imparts exceptional plasticity, making it an ideal throwing body. Fireclay imparts refractory qualities whilst red marls give this body its characteristic subtle iron fleck. The recipe uses a proportion of fireclay sourced from our own mine in South Staffordshire.
This highly plastic blend of ball clays with a small addition of red clay, is manufactured using our Plastic Blending Process to produce an attractively toasted clay. Suitable for both oxidising and reduction firings up to 1300C it has good thermal shock resistance making it an ideal candidate for small to medium sized domestic ware.
Firing to warm buff colour, it is particularly suitable for domestic ware. Suitable for oven to tableware.
Recommended firing range 1200-1300C
Applications: General purpose / throwing / hand building / general domestic / large domestic. Not recommended for slip.
Texture: 1 (1 smoothest, 10 most coarse)
SiO2 | TiO2 | Al2O3 | Fe2O3 | CaO | MgO | K2O | Na2O | LOI |
61.5 | 0.5 | 24.8 | 8.8 | 2.2 | 0.2 | 1.8 | 0.4 | 7.8 |
Fireclay 35%, other clays 63%, grog 0%
Shrinkage 10%@1100, 12%@1200
Thermal expansion 0.32%
Vitrification 1240 – 1270C
Firing 1200 – 1290