
The Great Escape

Matt black disk with wake of a rowing scull on it. Wake gloss black? gloss white? silver lustre?

Rowing Scull

Length approx 8.2m / 27ft - say LWL = 8. Min wt 14kg.
Average speed 5.3m/s by a competitive rower.
Froude No = V/√(g.L) = 5.3/√(9.81.8) = 0.598

Wakes and Oar Ripples

Shallow Water

Shallow water when V > (gd)½
5.3 > (9.81d)½
d < 2.86m
This is likely in a river, so go for shallow water

Wake angle off CL, 𝛽: 𝛽=sin-1[(gd)0.5/V

d / V345.3
0.5 47.5 33.6 24.7
1 - 51.5 36.2
1.5 - 73.5 46.4
2 - - 56.7
2.5 - - 69.1
2.85 - - 86.1

Deep Water

Cusp pattern: https://personal.math.ubc.ca/~cass/courses/m309-01a/carmen/Mainpage.htm
or https://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/315/Waveshtml/node70.html
𝛽 = 19.5 at the outside, 15 on the inside
Correcting for higher speed gives 17.8° on the outside, so say 13.3 on the inside
See http://www.fast.u-psud.fr/~moisy/papers/2013_rabaud_prl.pdf and https://www.pct.espci.fr/~elie/Publications/Kelvin_wake_pattern.pdf for high speed effects
Angle of waves ≈53° to the direction of travel
Transverse waves lower than at slow speed as Fr > 0.5, but still there


Note irregularity as speed varies https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/11/47/71/360_F_111477186_FAnmtxWZ1nfkHhtjHXqIugpPFvLzNO6S.jpg
Good for oar wakes: https://www.google.com/search?q=single+rowing+from+above&tbm=isch&hl=en-GB&tbs=rimg:Cb5mkurAtcJQYa1v_1yW5xnDa&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuvp6Iyaj3AhVYiFwKHazeAvoQuIIBegQIABAr&biw=1903&bih=1112